Saturday, July 23, 2016


The Rt. Rev. David B. Reed
 Retired Bishop of Kentucky

After I gave my speech to the Downtown Rotary Club on June 16, I got an e-mail from the retired Episcopal Bishop, David Reed, who was in attendance, inviting me to meet for breakfast. I eagerly accepted since I had met him many times when I was pastor of our cathedral. The Episcopal Cathedral is on Second Street, only three blocks away from the Cathedral of the Assumption on Fifth Street.

Bishop Reed was not only the Episcopal Bishop of Kentucky, he was a bishop in two south American countries before that! He was a bishop in Columbia and Ecuador, as well as an assistant bishop in a couple of places in the United States.

Bishop Reed was a friend of our Archbishop Kelly.

Bishop Reed has had some amazing experiences. As an observer at a Eucharistic Congress in Columbia, he was given a pectoral cross (the cross worn on a chain around the neck of a bishop) by Pope Paul VI, something he still wears on occasion.

Bishop Reed is a wonderful man with years of interesting experiences, somebody anyone would like to have Eggs Benedict with at Wild Eggs. 


1 comment:

  1. I first met Bp.Reed about 1963-4, when he was a missionary to the Lakotas in So. Dakota. He brought a parishioner to the Mayo Clinic, where I was a surgical resident. He gave me vocational counseling that has changed my life, and I wish to contact him again. Do you know how I might do so? Dr.(also Fr.)Harry Lawrence email
