Thursday, May 23, 2024





ieved was in need has sparked a chain of goodwill that underscores the impact of generosity in our communities. Matt Busbice, the recipient of this simple yet profound act of kindness, was deeply touched when young Kelvin, mistaking him for a homeless person, offered him the dollar he had earned by achieving good grades.

Kelvin, with a heart as big as his smile, explained that his intention was to help someone who he thought needed it more than he did. This moment was not just a transaction of a dollar; it was a reflection of the innate goodness that children like Kelvin possess and a reminder to all of the pure intentions behind acts of giving.

Moved by Kelvin’s sincerity and the purity of his deed, Busbice invited the young boy in for a snack, turning a moment of kindness into an opportunity for connection. The story, however, didn’t end there.

In a gesture that mirrored the selflessness shown by Kelvin, Busbice organized a shopping spree for him at BuckFeather, his sporting goods store. This was not just an act of reciprocation but a testament to the ripple effect that a single act of kindness can generate.

The joy and fulfillment Kelvin experienced from his decision to help are indicative of the deeper rewards that come from giving, far surpassing the material or monetary. In his eyes, and through his actions, Kelvin has exemplified what it means to contribute positively to the lives of others, no matter how small the gesture.

Both Ellis and Busbice’s experiences serve as a powerful narrative on the significance of giving and its lasting impact not just on the recipients but on entire communities. Their story is a reminder that at the heart of kindness lies the potential to spark change, inspire others, and weave a fabric of generosity that holds the power to transform. In a world often caught up in the pursuit of more, Kelvin Ellis Jr. and Matt Busbice remind us of the profound satisfaction and joy found in the act of giving—proving that sometimes, the smallest gestures can indeed make the biggest difference.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024




Don’t just sit there and starve to death spiritually!


When you were a child, you needed someone else to feed you. As an adult, you have learned to feed yourself. The same rings true about your Sunday Mass attendance.

There are adult parishioners who believe they need to be fed spiritually by somebody else. Since that help doesn’t always come, you will need to take immediate action to save your own spiritual life. Whatever you do, don’t just sit there and starve to death spiritually just because someone won't serve you! Get up, stand on your own two feet and learn to feed yourself spiritually!

Start by "wallowing" in the Word. Read it, re-read it, study it and pay careful attention when it is read at Mass even if the homily is disappointing. Feed on the Word!

Next, turn your attention to the altar and deliberately and consciously choose to “feed on” the Body and Blood of Jesus, our food and drink for the journey, so that you will have the strength to carry out the Word that you have just "wallowed" in!