I have had my home burglarized three times - once in Monticello and twice on Eastern Parkway in Louisville - once in two separate houses.
In Monticello, the first house I owned was outside the town of Monticello. I did not live there, but used it to house volunteers who came down to donate their services to help the local poor during the summer. I suspected that it was "some Baptists" who did it because they took my stereo and 2 cans of beer. Stereos were common, but beer was hard to find in that "dry" County! Ha!
The second time I was robbed was in my first house on Eastern Parkway while I was at a program for priests at St. Meinrad. This robbery was probably my fault! In a rush to get started on the trip to St. Meinrad, I mistakenly left the living room lights on and the drapes open in front of a huge picture window facing Eastern Parkway. At night, anyone walking down the sidewalk or driving down the street could see my beautiful new stereo system waiting to be taken from a well-lit stage! They came through the back door and left the front door open, when they left with the stereo loaded into a couple of pillow cases. Neighbors called me to come home immediately when they saw my front door standing open. I came home immediately before they came back and started loading the furniture. Luckily, the generous people who gave me the stereo replaced it immediately, but I could not find pillow cases to match my faded sheets!
The third time I was robbed was in my third house on Eastern Parkway that backed up to Manuel Stadium. This time, with no one to keep an eye on the back side of my house, and it being obvious to the neighbors when I was not at home, they broke one of the back windows, came in and took the good amount of change that I had in a lamp table by the bed. Nothing else seemed to have been touched. The police summarized that they were simply looking for money to buy drugs or maybe to find a gun.
At the time, I was living downtown at the Cathedral, with Archbishop Kelly, and staying in my house mostly on my days off and various other occasions. When I told Archbishop Kelly about the break-in, and expecting a little sympathy in the process, all he said was" "Well, how pitiful! They broke into your house and didn't see anything they wanted but a handful of change!"
I was reluctant to sell my third house on Eastern Parkway and move into my present condo, but I have lived here for 19 years without a break-in - mainly because there are two doors one has to go through to get in and because the neighbors are so close they notice all the comings and goings! The big problem now is water leaks from the condo above me - each one a little worse than the last. So far, there have been four in all. The last one was a major leak that ruined the carpets on two floors and some of the ceilings on both floors. The big issue is that "according to condo rules," the one leaked on is the "leakee's" insurance company's fault unless it is intentional by the "leaker!" I call it "robbery" by another means!