Last year, every Saturday I featured a post called "Wisdom for 2024" This year, every Saturday, I will post a series of unusual personal experiences from the past under the title "You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up." Sometimes, names or locations will be changed or disguised to protect the guilty! Besides, I am retired! What can they do, fire me?
I had never owned a pet until I was talked into taking an English Sheep Dog, named "Bear" back in the mid 1990s. I knew better, but I was told that my personality would "bloom" if I owned "something to take care of." I resisted for a few weeks until I was assured that Bear had "gone to obedience school" and I would be given a number of "dog toys" and lots of "dog food." Worn down by friend's insistence, I decided I would accept Bear on a trial basis of a few days, on the condition that if it didn't work out the previous owners would take him back.
I barely made it about 5 days, before I called the owners to come and get him because I "just couldn't take another minute" of that dog. It wasn't because Bear was mean or barked all the time. It was because he was so "needy" for attention. He would follow me from room to room, lay down in the floor, stare at me and pant! When I moved to another room, he would repeat that behavior from one room to the next all evening long! Even his toenails clicking on the hardwood floor annoyed me as much as his constant staring and panting!
The very first day I had him, I had a Parish Council meeting that evening. I could not concentrate on the meeting realizing that Bear was home and needed to be "let out." The stress kept building and building. When I opened the door, he stood on his back legs and licked my face with delight before I could take my coat off and lay my keys down! When I mentioned his behaviors to other dog lovers, they told me that that breed of dog needed a big family to interact with him and work together as a team to meet his needs for attention and affection. I should have read up on this breed of dog before I accepted him, but I didn't!
I know it sounds uncanny, but I believe Bear could actually tell time. No matter when I set the alarm, Bear would be there bedside with his nose close to my ear and start his loud breathing as he waited for the alarm to go off in two or three minutes or so. I had never had an emotionally needy girlfriend, much less a huge hairy dog, trying to lick me all over when I was trying to wake up in the morning!
On another occasion, getting home after a long day, I went into the room where my bookcases were and there were several books pulled down and onto the floor. Just one of them was really chewed up! I mean really chewed up! It was a book about "loneliness." The rest of them were undisturbed. Because I thought I might have a dog who could read, I actually kept that chewed up book for years as a souvenir - long after I got rid of the dog. Maybe Bear couldn't actually read, but he certainly had amazing communication skills in letting me know when he was lonely!
To this day, mostly because I used to travel a lot, I have managed to live happily without a room mate who needs entertaining, without a pet that needs attention and without a living plant that needs watering! I learned my lesson. My personality type should only keep stuffed animals and plastic plants for company, not an emotionally needy English Sheep Dog!