Fergal is here! Fergal is here!
Welcome, Fergal!

Fergal Redmond
When was the date of your birth? 27/11/1943
Where were you born? Monaghan - 4 miles from the border with Northern Ireland (part of the United Kingdom)
How many siblings? 4 sisters (Alice alive) and two bothers (Nigel alive) - both younger than me
What did your father and mother do for a living? My mother was a house wife all of her life - died at the age of 96. My father was a civil servant (Revenue Commissioners) - died at age of 64.
Where did you go to school? Went to secondary school (minor seminary) as a boarder (200 miles from home - a very long distance in the 1960's). Attended major seminary (African Mission Society) for 4 years.
When did you get married? What was her name? Married Catherine in 1970 - she died in April 2014
Where did you work? Worked as a CPA mainly within industry
Where did you live? Moved to the West coast of Ireland overlooking Galway Bay - an area where the Gaelic language was predominantly spoken
How many children? Names?. Mary was our only child who is now married to Tommy with two sons, Euan and Cai. She also lives about two miles from my home.
How long was your wife Catherine sick and how long did you care for her? Catherine was diagnosed with encephalitis, a rare but serious disease, in 2008. From its onset she became depended on a wheel chair. Needing full time care, I gave up my job to look after her. She was further diagnosed with esophageal cancer 18 months before she died
How did you get involved in SVG? Martin, my friend who has been in SVG for ten years contacted me within 6 months after Catherine died and invited me out. I turned the offer down on grounds of old age! Months later he came home to Ireland for his brother's funeral and made contact with me again in Nov 2014 - a very persistent negotiator. I arrived here in March 2015.
What is the best part of being in SVG? The climate, the food, the enticing sea with swimming possible all year are all major factors, but its the people who are responsible for my extended stay here. The Irish are reputed for their Cead mile failte (a thousand welcomes), but they could learn a lot from the "Vinceys"
What is the hardest part?. I miss Mary my daughter a lot. It was a real treat and something special when she came out to visit me after my first six months here. It was the first opportunity that we had to have a memorable heart to heart chat about the role of Catherine in our lives - mother and wife. But it is a comfort to know that Mary is enjoying her own family with Tommy and two special little boys who came late in life. Skype is fantastic, but in many ways it is a poor second to the experience of the warmth of a family embrace that needs no words.
Plato the Greek Philosopher and Fergal the Irish CPA
A little afternoon coffee on my condo deck.

"Selfie" photo of two "wild and crazy guys" from the islands!

Breakfast with my good friend and mission supporter, Greg Burch.

With Denise, administrator of SOS (Supplies Over Seas), and Tim Tomes, a staff member at SOS and a great helper in SVG projects.

A leprechaun in the "land of the giants" with Karen and Tim of SOS

Can you believe all the surplus medical supplies that SOS saves, sorts and sends out? It is one of the best charity organizations I know - and its right here in Louisville!

After an hour or two tracking down bargains at J C Penny's, there's nothing like a touch of ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery.

Fergal with Buren and Tammy Coats of Greg Coats Cars and Trucks

Some more of the staff at Greg Coats Cars and Trucks

Fergal could not help getting his photo taken with this antique
car. He even recruited a Mrs. Murphy to join him.

Fergal with Greg and Tammy Coats.

Enjoying a couple of gin and tonics at the Red Lobster.

Waiting on the porch of the Saint Frances of Rome parish office this morning for the funeral of Patricia Tafel Kirchdorfer, a wonderful supporter of our island missions.

Island "baby dolls" were given out to guests at the
"Fergal Party" at Father Knott's condo on Saturday night.
They will remind the guests to pray for the mission work we do together in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Fergal with chef Tim Schoenbachler

Fergal getting the ice for the party.

Fergal with Phyllis and Jan, who helped with serving the food.

Guests Doreen Ovca and Lulu Lenihan

Guests Elaine, Jim, Karen and Tim

Guests Paul, Debbie, John and Sue

In the middle are Bill and Beth Kolodey.
Beth taught the kids computers in SVG this last summer.

Guests George and Carolyn Ritsert, great supporters of SVG.

My long-time friend Jeff Wethington and his friend Carmyn.

Fergal and I attended Mass at the Cathedral this Sunday morning.
I presided at this Mass and introduced him at the end of Mass.
Half of the parishioners claimed to have at least half Irish blood.
We visited Father John Quinn's grave in the undercroft. He was an associate pastor at the old Saint Louis Cathedral that stood on the same spot as today's Cathedral of the Assumption. He was part of the great Irish immigration to Louisville in the 1850s.

Fergal with Cathedral parishioner Carroll Blondel of Trinidad.
Trinidad is the next island country west of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines where Fergal and I volunteer.
"Selfie" photo of two "wild and crazy guys" from the islands!
Breakfast with my good friend and mission supporter, Greg Burch.
With Denise, administrator of SOS (Supplies Over Seas), and Tim Tomes, a staff member at SOS and a great helper in SVG projects.
A leprechaun in the "land of the giants" with Karen and Tim of SOS
Can you believe all the surplus medical supplies that SOS saves, sorts and sends out? It is one of the best charity organizations I know - and its right here in Louisville!
After an hour or two tracking down bargains at J C Penny's, there's nothing like a touch of ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery.
Fergal with Buren and Tammy Coats of Greg Coats Cars and Trucks
Some more of the staff at Greg Coats Cars and Trucks
Fergal could not help getting his photo taken with this antique
car. He even recruited a Mrs. Murphy to join him.
Fergal with Greg and Tammy Coats.
Enjoying a couple of gin and tonics at the Red Lobster.
Waiting on the porch of the Saint Frances of Rome parish office this morning for the funeral of Patricia Tafel Kirchdorfer, a wonderful supporter of our island missions.
Island "baby dolls" were given out to guests at the
"Fergal Party" at Father Knott's condo on Saturday night.
They will remind the guests to pray for the mission work we do together in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Fergal with chef Tim Schoenbachler
Fergal getting the ice for the party.
Fergal with Phyllis and Jan, who helped with serving the food.
Guests Doreen Ovca and Lulu Lenihan
Guests Elaine, Jim, Karen and Tim
Guests Paul, Debbie, John and Sue
In the middle are Bill and Beth Kolodey.
Beth taught the kids computers in SVG this last summer.
Guests George and Carolyn Ritsert, great supporters of SVG.
My long-time friend Jeff Wethington and his friend Carmyn.
Fergal and I attended Mass at the Cathedral this Sunday morning.
I presided at this Mass and introduced him at the end of Mass.
Half of the parishioners claimed to have at least half Irish blood.
We visited Father John Quinn's grave in the undercroft. He was an associate pastor at the old Saint Louis Cathedral that stood on the same spot as today's Cathedral of the Assumption. He was part of the great Irish immigration to Louisville in the 1850s.
Fergal with Cathedral parishioner Carroll Blondel of Trinidad.
Trinidad is the next island country west of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines where Fergal and I volunteer.