They preach one thing and practice
Matthew 23
We are used to thinking of Jesus as
“meek and humble of heart,” “hugger of children” and “comforter of the
afflicted.” So it’s a little more than unsettling to see Jesus throwing a fit,
but he is really steamed in this gospel story. He is letting it rip, and the
people he is ripping are not the simple ordinary people and their sins, but the
fakes and phonies of the religious establishment who abused simple believers
with their of misuse of religious power and their obsession with titles, robes
and personal status. This long chapter is stinging with focused criticism. He
calls them “fools,” “blind guides,” “a nest of snakes,” “white washed tombs,”
“lust-filled frauds,” to name a few!
As a card-carrying member of the
religious establishment, I am always conscious that the most sustained
criticism in the whole of scripture is not directed to your side of the pulpit,
but to my side of the pulpit. For that very reason, I go to great pains to
include my own sins and failing when I talk about those of others. This passage alone is enough to keep every
priest and minister humble! All of us
ought to have a copy of it pasted to our bathroom mirrors so that we can be
reminded of it every time we put on a collar.
One of the things that is painfully
obvious in the recent sexual abuse scandal is the amount of anger that was
unleashed at priests and bishops who have harshly condemned the sexual sins of
others, while holding onto their own dark secrets. Father Nerinckx, founder of
the Sisters of Loretto, put it this way, “Those who make the rules should also
be the first to keep them!” Those who
are angry can, I am sure, resonate with chapter 23 of this gospel!
I think
people expect us to set a good example, to be what we claim to be and do a good
job, but I don’t think people expect us to be perfect. It occurs to me that it
is not failures, but hypocrisy, that drives people crazy. When a former
president was exposed for his indiscretions, the Speaker of the House was
loudly condemning him, only to be driven out of office himself for having an
extra marital affair. The famous televangelist
Jimmy Swaggart used to draw great crowds ranting and raving about the evils of
sexual promiscuity, only to be arrested with a prostitute himself. I knew a preacher in southern Kentucky who
ranted and raved on the radio about “all the sex on TV and in films.” He even
staged a big bonfire in front of his church to burn TVs, women's pants suits
and dirty books. The week after the big bonfire, he ran off with the church’s
teenage secretary.
Jesus did not condemn people for being weak,
or even for being sinners, but for being “hipocrites,” for pretending to be
Most priests and bishops, like most
Catholics, are trying their best to be faithful disciples and good priests. One
holy person, a person like Pope John Paul II or Mother Teresa, can do great
good, just as one unholy person can do great harm.
Some people have used the scandal as
an excuse for being an inactive Catholic – tempting, but certainly not a very
heroic response. Just as we cannot sit
back and let Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa be holy for all of us, we
cannot let the failure of leadership drive us out of the church. We priests
need to be holy, yes, but you have to be holy too. We priests need to clean up
the priesthood, yes, but our membership needs to clean up its act too.
Religious leaders must avoid hypocrisy, but you too have to rid yourselves of
religious hypocrisy. We are all called to be holy and we are called to be holy,
even if everybody else in the church fails to be holy! The sins, faults
or hypocrisy of others can never give us an excuse to quit, give up or drop out
on our own paths to holiness! We are called to be good, no matter who is bad.
It’s that simple!