It was at Cana in Galilee that Jesus
began the signs that revealed his glory and his
disciples began to believe in him.
John 2:11
came to this world to teach us, by performing a series of "signs" or
"messages" about what heaven is going to be like! There will be many as we follow his life this
liturgical year, but today, we read about the first of those "signs"
or "messages."
you would think the first "sign" or "message" he would want
to deliver, right out of the gate, would be something practical like healing the physically, emotionally or spiritually
sick. There were certainly plenty of them to go around! You would think that
his first "sign" would be some practical
like feeding those who were hungry. There were certainly plenty of them to
go around! Instead of multiplying loaves
of bread to feed the hungry first or curing a few hundred lepers first or even
healing a bunch of mentally disturbed people first, he went to a party and delivered a truck load of wine - somewhere between 120-180
gallons, in fact! What kind of "sign" or "message" was
you line up the details of this reading, surely Jesus wanted to male a
statement about abundance. His first "sign" or
"message" seems to say that, in the kingdom of heaven, there will be plenty. In a culture where people routinely lived on
the edge of starvation and want, for Jesus to make this wedding reception his
first "sign" or "message" was quite powerful. A wedding is about fertility, new life,
continuation, happiness and possibility.
detail symbolizes plenty and abundance. Not only were the bride and groom's family there,
along with their relatives and neighbors, but also Jesus, his disciples and
even his mother! Not only were the water
jars now full of wine, we are told they were full to the brim! This was not a
single day affair. Jewish weddings went on for a week, so this 120 -180 gallon
infusion of extra wine toward the end of the week, didn't even count what the
family had purchased in the first place and had already been drunk up! Not only was this new wine added to what was
already supplied, this new wine was actually much better than what was served
first, unlike most weddings when they pulled out the cheap stuff after people
were pretty well two-sheets to the wind and wouldn't know better!
multiplication of wine was the first "sign" or "message"
that Jesus performed to teach us about the kingdom that God has in store for
us. The rabbis at the time of Jesus had a saying, "Without wine, there is
no joy." So this "sign" or "message" wasn't as much
about a wedding or wine as it was a "sign" or "message"
about the joy that awaits us in the kingdom of God. As Jesus said, "I have
come to bring you life - life to the full - life to the brim - a joy that is
not stingily divvied out in thimbles, but "pressed down. shaken together
and poured into our laps." Saint
Paul talked about it this way, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has
it even dawned on human beings the great things God has in store for those who
love him."
did not teach, as some assume, that this kingdom awaits us in the afterlife.
Jesus taught us that we are already in his kingdom. He wants us to start
tasting it now, even though it will not come to its fullness until we enter
heaven. Think about it! We are partially
in heaven already! All we have to do is have the eyes to see it! Jesus said as much before he performed this first "sign" or
"message." In fact, these were
the first words out of his mouth when he began his public ministry! "Metanoiete! Change the way you see so
that you see that the kingdom of God is at hand, right there in front of you!! Indeed,
it is within you!
kingdom is already here? To that Jesus said, "Yes it is! If you have the
right eyes you can see it has begun! It is subtle, like yeast working in a
batch of dough, but it is here. The "signs" that I perform - healing
the sick, feeding the hungry and releasing those who are bound up - are
"signs" that the kingdom is building. The "signs" that my
followers, as they spread around the world in the years to come, will perform
will be "even greater" because there will be millions of my followers
"healing the sick, feeding the hungry and releasing those bound
up." Then someday, in the great
by-and-by, there will be no sickness, no hunger and no imprisonment of any
of the "signs" of the kingdom today is the work of Catholic Relief
Services and our local Supplies Over Seas organization, carrying on the ministry of Jesus, delivering medicine, food and equipment to desperate places around the world. It should make us all proud that one of the most
respected, most efficient and most trusted relief agency is Catholic Relief
Services. Our local Supplies Over Seas organization collects and distributes tons of surplus medical supplies, from our hospitals and nursing homes, around the world that would otherwise be sent to landfills. Another smaller “sign” was my
own little charity fund and my personal volunteering down
in the poor, small Caribbean country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We renovated their Pastoral Centre, bought a car for the Bishop, vans for an orphanage and a parish, medical supplies for hospitals, school supplies, Christmas toys for poor children and church furnishings for several of their parishes. I had to quit when their volcano erupted and COVID hit. However, I was able to sponsor their diocesan Christmas party this past December because of a diocesan financial crisis. This year, I am committed to sponsoring a seminarian in Tanzania and building a simple church in Kenya - two countries in east Africa.
Relax! There will be no second collection today, but I want you to know that through the donations and volunteering of
disciples like us, the kingdom of God is shown forth, and will be shown forth,
until there is no need for it when the kingdom comes to perfection in the life
to come! Then on that day, there will be
no volcano eruptions or earthquakes, no diseases like COVID, no hunger, no thirst and no crying! On that day,
when our lives will be "filled to the brim," there will be plenty for