Fergal Redmond is a real "find" for the Diocese of Kingstown in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. A retired Certified Public Accountant, he became an unpaid full-time volunteer after his wife died. We both arrived about the same time. I would say that the diocese down there would be in a real bind without him!
He is practically the bishop's right hand man! He keeps a keen eye on the donations I send down, but he does a lot more than "keep books" for the diocese. He does a "million" things well.
I know that my involvement, even though not full time like his, would be a whole lot harder without him to turn to for information, assistance and a good laugh! I have so much fun with him!
I am so happy that he has accepted my invitation to come to Kentucky. I not only want him to see Kentucky, and he not only wants to go to Gethsemani Abbey while he is here, I want him to have a real vacation. He deserves it!
With "frequent flyer miles" on American Airlines, I bought him a round-trip ticket from Barbados to Louisville for September 10 - September 20.
If you want to meet him, let me know!

Here he is in his office working the phones. I would bet he is there at his desk 10 hours a day on many days! It seems that everybody down there wants something from Fergal!

He had a health scare last year while he was home visiting his daughter in Ireland. There he is doing diocesan business from Ireland on his i-pad in a Irish hospital waiting for some test results!

We both are known to enjoy a good gin and tonic on the deck at the end of a hard day of ministry!

Fergal regularly plays Santa Claus for the island kids. He had to miss last year because of his health scare which kept him home in Ireland, but we are both ready to be Santa (him) and his Elf (me) this coming Christmas!

Here he is enjoying breakfast with Martin Folan (another widower volunteer from Ireland) and Father Tom Clark from Louisville who went down with me year before last.

Des (Pastoral Centre manager), Bishop County, myself and Fergal enjoying a farewell pizza dinner at the end of my last trip down last June.

Fergal, being inducted into a Lay Dominican Group by Dominican Archbishop Rives from Saint Lucia, former Bishop of Kingstown SVG.

Irish volunteers, Fergal and Martin, enjoying a local rugby game in Saint Vincent.
Fergal Redmond is a real "find" for the Diocese of Kingstown in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. A retired Certified Public Accountant, he became an unpaid full-time volunteer after his wife died. We both arrived about the same time. I would say that the diocese down there would be in a real bind without him!
He is practically the bishop's right hand man! He keeps a keen eye on the donations I send down, but he does a lot more than "keep books" for the diocese. He does a "million" things well.
I know that my involvement, even though not full time like his, would be a whole lot harder without him to turn to for information, assistance and a good laugh! I have so much fun with him!
I am so happy that he has accepted my invitation to come to Kentucky. I not only want him to see Kentucky, and he not only wants to go to Gethsemani Abbey while he is here, I want him to have a real vacation. He deserves it!
With "frequent flyer miles" on American Airlines, I bought him a round-trip ticket from Barbados to Louisville for September 10 - September 20.
If you want to meet him, let me know!
Here he is in his office working the phones. I would bet he is there at his desk 10 hours a day on many days! It seems that everybody down there wants something from Fergal!
He had a health scare last year while he was home visiting his daughter in Ireland. There he is doing diocesan business from Ireland on his i-pad in a Irish hospital waiting for some test results!
We both are known to enjoy a good gin and tonic on the deck at the end of a hard day of ministry!
Fergal regularly plays Santa Claus for the island kids. He had to miss last year because of his health scare which kept him home in Ireland, but we are both ready to be Santa (him) and his Elf (me) this coming Christmas!
Here he is enjoying breakfast with Martin Folan (another widower volunteer from Ireland) and Father Tom Clark from Louisville who went down with me year before last.
Des (Pastoral Centre manager), Bishop County, myself and Fergal enjoying a farewell pizza dinner at the end of my last trip down last June.
Fergal, being inducted into a Lay Dominican Group by Dominican Archbishop Rives from Saint Lucia, former Bishop of Kingstown SVG.
Irish volunteers, Fergal and Martin, enjoying a local rugby game in Saint Vincent.