Thursday 7-18-19
Today, Dr. Sherman was invited to observe surgery at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in downtown Kingstown. It was quite an honor and hopefully the beginning of strengthening even more our relationship with the Ministry of Health. We have sent down quite a bit of surgical equipment from SOS already.
This is a stock photo from their website.
While Dr. Sherman was at the hospital observing surgery, the rest of Group One was enjoying a fresh coconut and helping the local economy at one of the street vendors downtown before going to work at the soup kitchen. Beth and Shanda, Group Two, were over in Bequia island leading the computer camp.
Lots and lots of fresh fruit and vegetable stalls downtown. Several streets are full of stalls. Many women sit all day hoping to sell a few vegetables from their backyard gardens. The competition is fierce.
Housing, even in parts of the city, can be pretty tough.
An open creek runs through downtown right behind the Cathedral.
That's Chef Henry using two of the three large new soup pots we sent down!
That's Group One serving up lunches in the green aprons we sent down with the soup pots and some new dish towels!
Today, it was spicy chicken and rice, sort of like jambalaya.
Hey, I know this one! He shows up at the Pastoral Centre every morning with an empty jar for some coffee and a peanut butter sandwich! He can't communicate very well, but he always howls with delight when he sees me.
That's Tim handing out a lunch plate and a drink at the soup kitchen. He is grateful for his experience at the Louisville Cathedral's Sandefur Dining Room for the Homeless.
They hand the plates through an opening in the window. I am happy to see some of the new dish towels hanging on the wall that we sent down with the aprons.
The line begins to form as they start serving. Only a couple of women were served. Women are normally served separately elsewhere.
Karen at work! Children bring their containers to be filled and to be taken back home to their families to eat. Adults are served on a plate.
Dr. Paul at work filling the containers that the children brought to take back home.
Karen and Susan have made some new friends.
Two years ago, I led a traditional Wednesday Night Prayer Service at the soup kitchen shelter -
scripture reading, a sermon, group reflection and lots of singing!
making a difference
You can see Saint Michael Church next door! The kids are in the parish hall.
He's hooked!
It has been almost three years now since Fr. Knott first told me about his new work in the mission diocese of Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. I have to admit my first reply was, ''Where?'' I immediately went to Google Maps.
Since then I have been lucky enough to help Fr. Knott with the gathering, packing and shipping of countless material needs for two orphanages, the Pastoral Center (Chancery Offices, Bishop's House and Retreat Centre) and several of the parish churches.
Its such a great feeling to know that one has made a difference. I already knew of the impact our ground work in Louisville had made even before arriving here this week. Now that I'm here I can see first hand and meet the amazing men, women and children impacted. Because of the generous financial and in-kind support of so many donors, lives have been transformed here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and it shows. ''Thank you, Jesus!'' is a phrase I hear often here and it rings so true. Even still, the work and need is plentiful.
What I have noticed in the few days I have been here is the enormous amount of opportunity and amazing potential. I can't help but think about the movers and shakers back home who would love to sink their teeth into something here. If you are reading this blog, think about what knowledge and resources you have that could be of assistance. Are you a problem solver? If so, call me!
I have only a short while left on my first visit, but I know I'll be back. No doubt I will continue doing what I can to make a difference for the people of the Diocese of Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Believe it or not, Thursday night was "Kentucky Fried Chicken Night!" It tasted better overlooking the ocean, I'm sure!
Friday 7-19-19
A typical residential area of Georgetown, SVG
Like many places on the island, Georgetown is susceptible to floods. This one took out a bridge in town. Bridges and roads are regularly wiped out in tropical storms.
Sister Zita Retires - Orphanages Merge
Well Done Good and Faithful Servant
My friend, Sister Zita, had to retire from running Bread of Life Home for Children a little while back and return to her community's Mother House in Trinidad. She did a heroic job over the years, but the issue of her health became an unavoidable reality. God bless her for her years of dedicated ministry to some of the most vulnerable children of Saint Vincent.

Sister Zita went into retirement knowing that we had purchased a new van for her children.
She had the honor of receiving the keys to the new van personally.
Even though she misses her children, she has the comfort of knowing that they will be able to be transported in safety. The new van will be used by the children from both of the homes for children, now merged!
The old van was even worse than it looks!
Bishop County blessing the new van.
Placing the CATHOLIC SECOND WIND GUILD logo on the new van in preparation to hand it over to Sister Nyra Anne for all the children to use.
A handover of the keys to Sister Nyra Anne to the new van to be used by the kids from both orphanages now merged.
Sister Nyra Anne, who is the administrator of Saint Benedict Home for Children, was able to absorb the children from Bread of Life Home. From what I hear, after a scary interim, the children have adjusted to their new home quite well.
One of the bedrooms in the orphanage. We bought that bunk-bed in the back of the room when the two orphanages merged.
Everybody loves Tim!
Holding little Jeremiah.
Tim gave my little friend, Daniel, a greeting and a special treat from me.

Many of the kids seem to latch on to someone.
This little girl kept calling Fergal "Santa Claus." She has a good memory. He plays Santa Claus every Christmas.

Susan has a fan!
The power of candy to make friends!
Where We Have Sponsored Extensive Renovations
The People Are Very Pleased
The Anglican Church occupies the bottom floor. The Roman Catholic Church occupies the top floor.
Tim meets up with the church furniture that he worked so hard to help gather up and send down. Other of his collected items are sprinkled around various churches around the country.
Two of the six ceiling fans we sent down.
Where Supplies Over Seas in Louisville Has Sent So Much
Medical supplies are very much needed. This hospital is located in the north end of the island and was donated by a large international charity. We supplied a lot of the supplies and small equipment.
Hospital personnel, some of the hospital beds we have sent down and some of our volunteers.
Yep, there's the label! It says S.O.S. Louisville, Kentucky!

Surgical equipment sent down by S.O.S.
Surgical equipment sent down by S.O.S.
Susan stands by one of the scales we sent down. I would estimate that we have sent down almost ten tons of surplus medical equipment in two containers.

One of hundreds of boxes of needed medical supplies sent down

Some of the appreciative staff.
One of hundreds of boxes of needed medical supplies sent down
Some of the appreciative staff.
I know there has already been so much done here but the surface has barely been scratched. The need is so great. Everywhere we have visited, our presence has been blessed, as if we are doing so much when in reality we have barely done anything. The hospitals need so much more.
The children at the orphanage were so welcoming and were so thankful for small pieces of candy because, beside Christmas, they barely get anything. We were greeted with a wonderful song played by one of the children who is actually a Special Olympics competitor.
Sister Nyra Anne walked me around the orphanage and there are several special projects that would greatly benefit the children and the ladies who take care of them.
I can say that the attention that Father Knott has brought to this area has made a tremendous difference. People know his name! We are all fortunate to know such a great man. I want to personally thank all who have supported this mission. I have seen first hand that a difference is certainly being made.
My new best friend was the 7 month old baby, Jeremiah. As he woke from his nap, he was handed to me and I held him for the rest of our visit. He didn’t want anyone else. (see phto above)
Thank you for such a wonderful experience.
Waiting for the whole group to gather to go out for a farewell dinner before leaving in the morning.
Saturday 7-20-19
This photo sums up the whole trip. It was a blessed time for all.
Four of our five volunteers are flying home today - Tim, Karen Paul and Susan. Beth is staying for a second week of computer camps. She will fly home next Saturday. They will leave Saint Vincent at 3:15 pm on Saturday and will land in Louisville at 12:05 am on Sunday morning.
A Special Thank You To Fergal Redmond
Fergal has done the lion's share of organizing work for this trip. We thank him for all his effort to make this a memorable experience for all involved. He will be going back to Ireland soon to visit his family. He certainly deserves a vacation, but knowing him, he will be back to Saint Vincent as soon as possible.