For the last two years, I have been working to establish a program in which retired priests, bishops and professional lay people can offer their talents, connections and resources to the mission churches of the Caribbean. I believe this program will enrich the lives of those who offer themselves, as well as that part of the church which could use some help.
One of the biggest needs that I identified in my first four trips is a place to receive the volunteers while they offer their services. The Diocese of Kingstown has such a place in its Pastoral Centre, but the whole building is in great need of maintenance and updating. It houses the bishops residence, the diocesan offices, a chapel, meeting rooms and about eight guest rooms.
The areas I want to focus on immediately are my own CATHOLIC SECOND WIND GUILD headquarters (bedroom/office, bathroom and entrance). The other area is a new chapel. The old chapel is really a large closet that holds about 6-8 people. The third area is the guest room area.
I want to fund the headquarters before Christmas. To do so, I will present two parish missions and five priest retreats this fall. I hope to raise about $15,000 personally, but I am going to need some help.
I have been given another $6,000 by some friends.
While the committee down there is working to get bids on the work itself, I am estimating that it will cost a minimum of $50,000. Everything in the islands is double what it costs here because everything has to be imported.
With $21,000 down and $29,000 to go, I am almost halfway there!
Help me build an organization that has the potential of bringing in many more retired volunteers willing to offer their services and expertise to build up the church struggling in the islands.
I believe it can be done, somehow, before Christmas --- and the chapel before Easter! I am hoping the guest room area can fall in there somewhere soon.
If you want to be part of this miracle, contact me.
There are about eight guest rooms that are used for retreats guests, for diocesan guests and for priests and others from the outer islands when they come in to see the bishop or attend diocesan meetings. These rooms could also be used by Catholic Second Wind Guild volunteers when they go to SVG to work on projects.
Our vision is to make the rooms simple and clean, as well as more workable, inviting and comfortable.

The present chapel seats about six people and is really a windowless closet in the center of the pastoral center.
This seldom-used end of a large gathering room will be walled off for a new chapel with a glass wall.
This is what we hope it will look like when finished.
The name is negotiable with a major donor.
The doors can be opened all the way back, the furniture turned, to add many more chairs when a large group is expected.
The new chapel would take advantage of the breath-taking ocean view in front and a prayer balcony to the left.