Part I
(availability of photos is another factor)
Jim Patterson II
Patricia Tafel Kirchdorfer and family
Lunch time with the Greg Coats clan. That's Greg in his signature hat on the right and Tammy, his wonderful wife, second on the right. You have probably seen Tammy and son, Buren, in their TV commercials. Funny! For a good used car and great service go to Greg Coats Cars and Trucks on Preston. A wonderful family. Tell them Father Knott sent you!

Jay Paradis, his wonderful father, Bert, and the whole Paradis tribe.
Co-Workers, Joseph Cook and Lea Ann Olinger,
at the Institute for Priests and Presbyterates
Joseph Stoltz - friends since High School |
Christy Brown and family |
Julie Zoeller |
Elaine Winebrenner |
Rea and Tom Clark and family |
Father Bruce Roby of the island country of Chuuk,
now a priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut
Frank and Carolyn Knott of Baltimore.
I am a distant relative to Frank on my father's
and mother's side.
Jim Taylor, Nicholas, Nick Kipper
Melaine Prejean Sullivan and
Karen Shadle
Karen Dahlem and Patricia Kirchdorfer
center of picture - Pat Patterson, Meghan Clark and her brother Thomas
Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto
I have spent four and a half weeks in the presence of this good man over the last couple of years. I know it's shameless name-dropping so get used to it!
Marea Gardner (died March 26, 2014), with her son Michael on the left and son-in-law Tom Clark on the right. Michael is married to a wonderful woman, Louise.
Archbishop Thomas C. Kelley OP
We were housemates at the Cathedral Rectory
from 1983-1997
Glenn and Joan Blincoe
Father Bob Ray.
We are both from St. Theresa Church in Meade County.
Our grandmothers were sisters. He was ordained in 1969 and I in 1970.
Mark, Jan (Sophie her dog), myself,
Phyllis and Gary - coffee shop buddies.
Father Antony, Father George, myself and Father John
Franciscan Friars from India.
We all volunteer at Bellermine University
Phyllis Drury and Tim Schoenbachler
Father Steven Brown, Diocese of San Jose, California, friends since 1978.
Dorothy Spalding, Queen Mother of the wonderful Spalding clan of Calvary, Ky, and all the people of Holy Name of Mary Parish.
Bishop Jason Gordon of Barbados and St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Fergal Redmond, myself and Martin Folan volunteering at the Catholic Center on the island of St. Vincent.
Tim Schoenbachler who keeps me published in all areas possible.
A very rare photo of Jack Anderson, a long time supporter, after whom I named Jack's Coffee Shop in the Alumni Commons at Saint Meinrad Seminary on his 80th birthday. Friends since the 1964.
Paul and Wilhelmine King, my second parents and home away from since 1964. Wilhelmine has died, but Paul now resides near his sister in Hopkinsville.
Paul and Ann Coppin from Louven, Belgium. We met in Taize in the early 1970s and have stayed in touch ever since. They visited me in Louisville many times with their children, now grown. I have visited them in Belgium, France and Italy.
Sister David Clare Riesbach, SCN, dedicated teacher and organizer in my home parish for many years, is still one of my most loyal friends and stands for all that is good in women religious. She led the music at my first Mass and always sends me encouraging letters and cards.
Inge Heck from outside Stuttgart, Germany. I met her in Taize (France) in the 1970s. We have stayed in touch ever since. She visited Kentucky several times with her parents and I have visited them once in Germany. Her two children are now grown. Helmut and Anny, her parents, both died last year. They are sadly missed. Inge is a "retired" school teacher.
Dr. Cecilia Anzures and her husband Jeff Antle
Just give me time to find some more pictures.....and more friends!