St. Theresa (of Avila) Church
Rhodelia, Kentucky
A 1922 Invitation To A Forty Hours Celebration
Between Two Country Pastors
Father Joseph Odendahl from my parish of St. Theresa in Rhodelia sent this invitation in Latin to one of his fellow priests, Father John Knue in McQuady (now in the Owensboro Diocese), inviting him to attend the annual Forty Hours celebration at St. Theresa in 1922. Several other priests would also have gotten post card invitations as well - no phones yet. This would have been one of the few times priests got together. It was quite a ride by horseback - about 60 miles round trip. Notice the one cent stamp! Believe it or not, the Rhodelia Post Office is still in operation!

Front side of the post card - from the days before the stained glass window which Father Odendahl had installed. The church was designed by the same architect as the one who did the Cathedral of the Assumption and the Nazareth Motherhouse Church. Started in 1856, the church was first used in the summer of 1857 even though barely under roof. This church was dedicated by Bishop Martin John Spalding in 1861. There were two log cabin churches before this church. The parish was founded in 1818.
Father Odendahl was born in Germany. Some of the pastors before him were born in France, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium and Ireland. It was very much like the situation today with more and more priests born outside the country serving as pastors of our parishes. During his tenure, Father Odendahl made many improvements to the church and expanded the cemetery.
Father John Knue was quite effective as a community leader. It is not known whether Father Knue accepted Father Odendahl's invitation, but it is assumed that he did.