I will act as if what I do
makes a difference.
William James
A spiritual journal is not a diary. Its focus is mainly on the growth of your relationship with God and on the growth of your effectiveness as a Christian.
What kinds of things go into a spiritual journal?
· Observations on things that you sense going on around you as you go through times of change and growth
· Places you have been and what you drew from them ( retreats, books, movies, homilies)
· Insights you have about yourself and your vocation in life
· Feedback you have been given by others through conversation or written communication
· Prayers you have read, written, said or heard
· Special insights about vocation that you have come across and want to remember (either intact or where to find them)
· Ways you have surprised yourself
· Things you have discovered about yourself as you look back through your journal
· Important dates and events that impact your vocation
· Things that come to you while driving, sleeping or meditating
· Insights gained during reflections on special milestones (e.g. your birthday, your anniversary or time in an a job)
· Clever and insightful ideas and quotes that can be used in giving talks or writing projects
Are there any helpful guidelines?
The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and God during writing. Pious sentiments that you feel you should have are not helpful.
The date and the time should be clearly marked with each entry. Since you are tracking your progress, you will not be confused about “when” you wrote something or when something actually happened.
Get a good sturdy book, not a flimsy notebook, since you will be taking it with you when you travel, move, go on retreat. It should look “worthy” of what it contains. It should be left in plain sight so that it can beckon you to come and write.
Remember that journals can be lost, stolen or accidentally read by others, no matter how careful you are. You may choose some code words that only you know for the most private and sensitive entries.