Tuesday, March 25, 2025




When the people in the synagogue heard this, they were all filled with fury.
They rose up, drove him out of the town and led him to the brow of the hill
on which their town had been built, to hurl him down headlong.
Luke 4:16-30

Preaching can be hazardous to your health and this story should make every preacher shake in his boots. I tremble every time I read it. I learned a long time ago that, when you preach, the safest approach is to tell people what they want to hear. You can, like Jesus, be run out of town on a rail if you cross the line and tell people what they don’t want to hear.

What went wrong in the pulpit that day that turned the people of his hometown against Jesus? We learned today that Jesus had gone back home to Nazareth where he had been reared. On arriving at the local synagogue, he was asked to do the reading and give the homily. The first part of the homily went well. In fact, it says that “they were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips.”

As he continued to preach, all of a sudden, things turned ugly. What ticked the congregation off so quickly? Well, you have to remember that Jews in those days taught that God’s love was exclusive to Jews alone.  Gentiles, or non-Jews, were merely fuel for the fires of hell. In his homily, Jesus challenged that long-held belief by citing two examples from their own history. Jesus pointed out that in the days of the great prophet, Elijah, there were many hungry Jewish widows during a great famine, but God sent Elijah, not to them, but to a Gentile widow of Zarephath.  Jesus also pointed out that in the days of the great prophet Elisha, there were many Jewish lepers, but God sent Elisha to cleanse none of them, but only a Gentile leper from Syria. In today's text, Jesus is telling them that God’s love is not restricted to Jews, but includes everyone. This was heresy and they didn't want to hear any more of it, so they dragged him out of the pulpit, to a cliff outside town, intending to throw him over. He escaped “by the skin of his teeth” so to speak. 

I have been there and done that! When I was first ordained, I was regularly pointed out, in print and on the radio, as an example of the “unsaved” by fundamentalist preachers in southern Kentucky during my ten-year stint down there. Here is Louisville, I was regularly attacked on multiple fronts by an anonymous group of fundamentalist Catholics when I was pastor of the Cathedral. As a result, I even had a knife pulled on me in the Cathedral over a homily during those years for reaching out to marginalized and fallen-away Catholics. The mistake I made, at least in their books, was to get up in the pulpit and tell those people that God loved them too.  One man walked up and down the side walk at the Cathedral with a big sign that said, called us “Welcome to the church of Satan.” They wanted these people excluded, condemned, shunned and banished from any hint of God’s love.

What is it about people who have a such a burning desire to dig holes for other people? This need to exclude others must be a cheap way of feeling superior and special, as if there was a shortage of love when it comes to God. This is not the view of Jesus. Jesus teaches us in the parables that God’s loves is universal and inclusive. The parables of the Prodigal Son, the Vineyard Workers, the Wedding Feast and the Lost Sheep have always given me personal encouragement and a clear vision for ministry. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the Father loves both his sons: the one who left home and got down with the pigs, as well as the one who stayed home and did all the right things. In the parable of the Vineyard Workers all got a full-day’s pay, not matter how much or how little they worked. In the parable of the Wedding Feast, the good and bad alike are invited to the feast. In the parable of the Lost Sheep, the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine good sheep and goes off looking for the one who got lost. Inspired by that message, every week for 15 years, I wrote a column in The Record called An Encouraging Word where I looked for goodness to affirm, rather than sins to condemn. After I retired from my column in The Record, I have continued An Encouraging Word in my blog.  

I am not just a “catholic” by birth. I am a “catholic” by choice. “Catholic” means “universal” and “inclusive.” For that reason, I am “catholic” and proud of it. As a “catholic,” I do not hope to be among the “few in number who will be saved,” as one of the critics of Jesus put it! I pray that we all make it somehow: Catholics, Baptists, Jews, Methodists, Moslems, agnostics, atheists and everything in between!

By the way, I left my car running in the parking lot, just in case somebody here today wants to drag me out of this pulpit and throw me off a cliff somewhere!









Sunday, March 23, 2025



As a result of the fact that I was leading a Staff Retreat for Our Lady of Lourdes Parish yesterday (Saturday) and preaching at a Our Lady of Lourdes Penance Service tonight (Sunday), I have no Sunday homily to post this weekend. Instead I thought I would offer an update on my latest project - building a new St. Veronica Church in Kenya, Africa.

The above photo shows you what the present St. Veronica Church looks like. My goal is to replace it with a larger church of cemented stones, a concrete floor and new metal roof - with doors, windows, walls and religious art and liturgical furnishings. The total budget for all that is US $20,000.00 for the church building and $10,000.00 for interior furnishings.  The new church construction is coming along nicely and we are almost there with our fund-raising. We are only US $6,600.00 short of our goal. 


The new St. Veronica Church is named for  Veronica Nthambi Kitili, an illiterate catechist and a model of the Christian faith from her small community. She walked great distances to church, instructed people in the faith in her own home at night and taught people Catholic prayers until she died.  She was the godmother to thousands of newly baptized members of the Catholic Church. 

In 2020, as she grew too old to make the long walk to church, she made an appointment to meet with the circuit-riding priest to request the establishment of a small church in her village even though they had no resident priest at the time. The circuit-riding priest liked her idea and Veronica set about securing the land on which to build it. Sadly, she died in October 2021 before the church could open officially.  

After her death, the priest asked the people what name they should give their new church. Many ideas were suggested. The priest proposed the name "St. Veronica Catholic Church"  and everyone clapped in approval. The priest told them: "We want to honor her great example of faith." 

I have agreed to do what I can to replace the present simple stick building with its sheet metal roof (see photo at top of this post) with something larger, more stable, longer lasting and more appropriate. It will be built mostly with stones cemented together, a concrete floor and a metal roof.  

I have a lot of experience in raising funds for mission projects in the Caribbean. I know that donations need to be protected and monitored so that they are not misused, misdirected or confiscated. As a result, I have made arrangements to funnel my donations through the Father John Judie Ministries, an official legal tax deductible 501-3c non-profit organization operated by Father John Judie, a local Louisville priest, who volunteers in Kenya and Tanzania. In appreciation for his help with this project, I have promised to pay for his next flight to his east African missions with my unused American Airlines Frequent Flyer miles. I have no desire to fly long-distance anymore for a vacation so I am happy to give them to him. Father Judie has agreed to oversee the distribution of my funds. He will require receipts and progress photos from Veronica's son, Julius Kitili in Kenya, who has agreed to oversee the purchase of materials, oversee the construction itself and help recruit local volunteer labor to hold down the costs.  

The total estimated cost of this new church is 20,000.00 US Dollars which I guaranteed in four equal payments to Father John Judie Ministries as proven progress is made on the construction. I  made the first two payments so they would have something on hand to buy materials to get started. I have already donated $10,000.00 of my own money to this project. Another eight generous people have donated another $10,000.00. This means the total cost of the church itself is now secured! 

What I really need now are some funds to help them with some church furnishing so as to finish the inside of the church. This expense is not included in the $20,000.00 building costs. At first, I thought about sending them a half-size shipping container with some free surplus medical supplies for the local village from our local SOS and some free used local church furnishings from our local parishes, but found out that it would cost $10,000.00 just to ship it.  Rather than spend that amount of money just for shipping used stuff from here, I have decided that it would be wiser to send them the $10,000 to source the church furnishings locally and not risk having the shipping container contents corruptly seized, stolen or held for ransom at the seaport. So far, I have collected $3,400.00 toward this $10,000 goal, leaving me with only a $6,600.00 short fall! 


Building a new church, fully furnished, for a grand total of $30,000 sounds like a "miracle" to me! Help me out, if you can, so I can finish funding this project before Easter. I can think of a no-better Lenten resolution! Help me out here, if you can, because..........
"Those who water others will themselves be watered!" 
Book of Proverbs 11:25

Make your tax deductible checks out to: 
                               Father John Judie Ministries - St. Veronica Project

Send your donation checks to me to be forwarded to Father John Judie Ministries for deposit so I can keep up with the totals as we go along and report them to you on this blog.

Rev. Ronald Knott
1271 Parkway Gardens Court
Louisville, Kentucky 40217