First stop - Saint Joseph Proto-Cathedral in Bardstown

Trappist Father Seamus with Father Tom Clark, Fergal and Dr. Paul Kelty.

Our tour group with Trappist Brother Luke

Trappist Brother Luke with Thomas Merton's (Trappist Father Louis) grave in the background.

Noon Prayer in the Church at Gethsemani Abbey

Saint Thomas Church (1816) (right). The house (left) was built in 1795 and became the residence of Bishop Flaget and the first Saint Thomas Seminary (1811).

Standing in front of My OId Kentucky Home.

My Old Kentucky Home Visitors' Center

Lunch at Mammay's in Bardstown

What is Mrs. O'Leary's cow doing inside Mammy's Restaurant?
with Jan and Phyllis

Tuesday breakfast at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant with Jan (middle) and Phyllis (right).
Tim Schoenbachler designed most of the Pastoral Centre renovation in the Diocese of Kingstown, SVG

with Jan and Phyllis


The last evening, we spent celebrating Tom and Rea Clark's 31st wedding anniversary at
311 Clover Lane restaurant. It was a wonderful time of sharing stories and Fergal getting to know them.
First stop - Saint Joseph Proto-Cathedral in Bardstown
Trappist Father Seamus with Father Tom Clark, Fergal and Dr. Paul Kelty.
Our tour group with Trappist Brother Luke
Trappist Brother Luke with Thomas Merton's (Trappist Father Louis) grave in the background.
Noon Prayer in the Church at Gethsemani Abbey
Saint Thomas Church (1816) (right). The house (left) was built in 1795 and became the residence of Bishop Flaget and the first Saint Thomas Seminary (1811).
Standing in front of My OId Kentucky Home.
My Old Kentucky Home Visitors' Center
Lunch at Mammay's in Bardstown
What is Mrs. O'Leary's cow doing inside Mammy's Restaurant?
with Jan and Phyllis
Tuesday breakfast at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant with Jan (middle) and Phyllis (right).
Tim Schoenbachler designed most of the Pastoral Centre renovation in the Diocese of Kingstown, SVG
with Jan and Phyllis
The last evening, we spent celebrating Tom and Rea Clark's 31st wedding anniversary at
311 Clover Lane restaurant. It was a wonderful time of sharing stories and Fergal getting to know them.
The Pastoral
St Vincent and
the Grenadines.
19th Sept 2018.
Dear Fr Ron,
I can scarcely believe that 10 days have elapsed since I arrived in Kentucky.
It has turned out to a be a most unforgettable visit and I find it difficult to
express in words my heartfelt gratitude for opening your home to me. You have
gone out of your way to ensure that my stay here in Louisville would be
memorable in all that I encountered and experienced. Of prime place was the
party you hosted for me. When my daughter Mary inquired how it went, I told her
that some very charming, cheerful, delightful and engaging people responded to
your blog post invitation. It was so satisfying to relate to her the
extraordinary Kentucky hospitality I was honored to experience throughout a
lovely evening filled with laughter, good conversation, wine and exceptional finger
food. The truth was that the roles were reversed - everyone made me, as host, feel at home and most welcome at my party!
You always seem to engage the right people and evidence of this was
reflected in those who responded to your blog post invitation. With Tim, Jan,
Phyllis and Bill looking after the beverages and food, we were guaranteed excellent
service. How could I ever forget Karen
and Tim from SOS; Jim and Elaine; Carolyn and George; Carmyn and Jeff; Beth who
is seriously considering a return visit to teach computer courses to the kids
in St Vincent; Sue and John; Lulu and of
course Doreen who would love to return to Ireland and ride with the Galway
Blazers one more time! Then there was Debbie and her husband Dr Paul who drove
us to the Abbey of Gethsemani on Tuesday ably assisted by Fr Tom who gave a
running commentary on all that was to be seen at the monastery – mirabile visu! It was wonderful to meet
your neighbors Fr Gray as well as well as Billy. Kindly convey my gratitude
also to Ryan and Kenny, to Maggie and David. It was a pleasure to share with
Dani and Doug, with Rita and Gary and of course not forgetting Mary Means. A
special word of thanks goes to Paul Bluel - I look forward to having a decent
chat with him on my next visit.
From my first day here I looked forward to meeting those I had up to
now only written to - I needed to put a
face on the name. It was a most enjoyable first encounter to have had breakfast
with Greg (Burch) and I came away realizing that my meetings with others would
be cherished. The visit to Mr Geraghty, who supplied the lettering for our new
chapel on St Vincent was special. He is fortunate to have Kim Browne work for
him – she made a big impression and her naturalness and sincerity were captivating.
Making contact with all of the Coates family at their place of work was a
uniquely pleasant experience. Being summoned, while there, to join in the birthday festivities of one of
their managers greatly added to the visit. Please remind them that the banter
about holidays, alcohol, Ireland etc. etc. will be recalled and narrated when I
return to Galway.
These your friends and, I would like to think, mine also if I am not
overly presumptuous, help me return to the islands with a sense of renewed
commitment. In so many ways they have expressed a vote of confidence and given
their support to what I am about in my daily routine. Their sense of involvement is both engaging
and infectious and has in turn expanded the appreciation of companionship in my
life. For this I am most grateful.
How could I ever forget my first visit to the restored Cathedral of
the Assumption! Before Mass, I easily identified with the plaudits of Pat
Patterson and Dr Kelty who shared stories of the renovation vision including
the nightmares encountered along the way. The restoration of this magnificent
edifice is a tribute to you and your team. Luckily, I have captured on video
some of the singing – it was outstanding
and a quality musical addition to the liturgy.
After Mass it was stimulating to hear of Bob Owings speak of his desire to
visit St Vincent and the Grenadines with his wife. I think you will have to
draw up a list of volunteers – there are so many of them from Kentucky. I would dearly
love to welcome them all. By the way, would it be in bad taste to ask
each of them to bring some bourbon? (Ha!).
Once again, kindly endorse my special words of thanks to Tim
Schoenbachler. His many talents are proving to be invaluable and as you well
know are a recognizable feature of so many Second Wind projects on the island.
Little did I know of the surprise I was to encounter at the night of the party
- experiencing his culinary expertise was truly a delight. His follow-up invitation to dinner at his
house last night proved to be a memorable occasion!
How could I ever forget the last evening with Tom and Rea Clark? Just to think I was there to help them celebrate their 31st wedding anniversary! Absolutely wonderful, engaging and generous people! What a way to end my first Kentucky visit!
How could I ever forget the last evening with Tom and Rea Clark? Just to think I was there to help them celebrate their 31st wedding anniversary! Absolutely wonderful, engaging and generous people! What a way to end my first Kentucky visit!
During my brief visit I was struck by the words of gratitude that so
many expressed in relation to your involvement in their lives. But in truth
this does not come as a surprise to me. You are an inspiration at what you do,
and that indeed covers quite an expansive field. I’m grateful for the
opportunity to work with you so closely and I appreciate the engagement of co-operating with friends here in Kentucky in helping
others less well off. It continues to be an incredible experience.
With sincerest gratitude,