Tuesday, July 11, 2023


July 10, 2023

The woman with the hemorrhage said to herself, "If I can only touch his tassel, I will be cured." Jesus turned around, saw her and said, ""Courage, daughter! Your faith has saved you."" And from that hour the woman was cured.
Matthew 9:18-26

When you get old like I am, you realize that you have a few books on your shelf that were the source of breakthroughs in understanding. Such is the case with a book by Father Louis Evely. With it, I had a great breakthrough in my understanding of “faith healing.”

Father Evely makes the case that the phenomenon known as a “faith healing” is simply the manifestation of the natural world not yet understood. A “miracle,” he says, does not happen from the outside in but from the inside out. We see that in today’s reading. Jesus did not tell the woman with the hemorrhage who was cured, “My power has cured you.” Instead, he said, “Your faith has cured you.”

In fact, Mark (6:5) reports that “Jesus could work no miracle there because of people’s lack of faith.” It was not touching the holy tassel outside of her that cured the woman in the Gospel that day; it was the faith inside of the woman who touched his tassel that triggered her cure!

What about the miracles that have been recorded at places like Lourdes and Fatima? Well, there have been miracles there and at every shrine of every religion and most of these have been miracles of healing.

Father Evely notes that the sole characteristic of a miraculous cure is the “abnormal acceleration of the natural healing process.” That which cannot be healed by a natural process is not susceptible to a miraculous cure. There are no reported cases of an amputated leg or arm, for example, being regrown miraculously — not even a finger. However, it seems that an “abnormal acceleration of the natural processes of healing” can be triggered by faith.

It’s not the sacred stone, the saint’s relic, the water from a mysterious water source or even the tassel of Jesus’ cloak that causes the healing, but the intensity of faith that is released within those who believe that triggers their extraordinarily rapid healing processes. That’s why Jesus said to the tassel-touching woman with a hemorrhage, “It is your faith that saved you.”

I believe in the power of faith to work miracles. In almost every assignment I have ever had, I have had to override the negative advice I was given by my predecessors. I was advised not to get my hopes up because “nothing could be done because this or that situation was hopeless.” By choosing to believe in the amazing possibilities of faith, not fairy godmothers, I have been able to witness amazing results in all those assignments.

Even doctors will tell you that some patients have mysteriously gotten well when they are able to believe that getting well was possible, while they have mysteriously lost patients who gave up believing in their treatment programs. Even Henry Ford said, “Those who believe they can and those who think they can’t, are both right.”


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