Thursday, August 1, 2019



II Corinthians 9:67

When I retired and started the Catholic Second Wind Guild, my main goal was to "re-create myself" by repeating something I have been doing intentionally most of my life - deliberately putting myself in a new situation where I could grow and change, while trying to help others in the process! I thought maybe other retired priests, bishops, deacons and lay professionals might also like to join me in offering their talents, resources and connections to the Caribbean missions. 

I had no idea when I started the Catholic Second Wind Guild that it would not only help me, other retirees and the people down in the Caribbean missions, but also help those who would be helping us! I am amazed at people when they say things like, "Thank you for giving me an opportunity to help!" Now that my first "gang of five" has been down there and had such a positive experience, I expect others will want to go down so that they too can experience the same "delight in the giving" that the last five volunteers experienced! 

"Thanks for letting us help!" I have heard it from the five volunteers. I heard it from those who have given me toys for the orphans, used medical supplies for the clinics and hospitals and school supplies, used laptops and harmonicas for the kids down there. I have heard it from cash donors and attendees at my Parish Missions and priest retreats.  I have heard it from the Cathedral parishioners and the three communities of Sisters who gave me their surplus church furnishings. 

I have been gathering so much stuff for the islands over the last few years, that is wasted up here and so needed down there, that someone called me "Father Sanford and Son" the other day! There was one period this summer I could not get my car in the garage! It's happening again!

I can not believe that so many people are actually thanking me for the opportunity to give! I guess they know that it will not be going to some anonymous international charity with a high paid executive, but to people in need that I have actually met and gotten to know! 

Here is a quote that has guided me in this venture and many ventures before. I keep seeing it come true again and again. It's truly amazing to watch! 

"The moment one definitely commits oneself, 
then Providence moves too. 
All sorts of things occur that would never otherwise
have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision, 
raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen 
incidents and meetings and material assistance which
no man could have dreamed would come his way."

William H. Murray

At seventy-five years of age, I am amazed that there are things that still amaze me! Yes, God does have a way of mysteriously showing up with help when we seriously commit to helping others. For this, I am truly amazed and forever grateful! 

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