Enough social distancing!
Enough solitary confinement!
Enough sheltering in place!
What keeps me going is remembering how good I have it! My only problem is boredom and routine. It isn't even a problem, it's merely an aggravation.
I am not going hungry.
I don't have a family to support!
I don't have to file for unemployment!
I don't have a chronic disease!
I am not stuck in a house with people I cannot stand to be around!
I have no big outstanding bills.
I am still getting my Social Security check.
I have food, heat/air-conditioning, water, a cell phone, a computer and transportation if I need it.
I don't have aging and sick parents to worry about!
I can do laundry when needed.
I have garbage pick-up.
I can afford my medicine so far.
I have people who care about me.
I Started to Run Low on Face Masks...
...So I Decided to Grow My Own White Face Mask!
I am sure it will scare off any stray virus in the area and just think how much I will save on Clorox alone!
Speaking of Clorox, I also found a much more effective disinfectant than Clorox. It tastes better too, especially with a splash of lime juice, a disinfectant in its own right!
LOVE your words and pictures/illustrations, Father!