Tuesday, August 27, 2024


One day, a few years ago, the phone rang at the rectory! It was one of those days when my nerves were already frayed, so I had to breathe deeply and be careful what I was about to say! After she hung up, I noted the call and wrote down my response in my diary!  

WOMAN ON THE PHONE: "Father Knott, this is Tiffany! I have always liked you so I called you first!"

FATHER KNOTT: "Thank you, Tiffany, I appreciate your telling me that! I haven't heard from you in years! What can I do to help you today?" 

WOMAN ON THE PHONE: "Father Knott, I just got a new cat. He is the cutest little thing! I want you to baptize it!" 

FATHER KNOTT: "What? A cat? You want me to baptize your cat? Tiffany, I am sorry but I can't baptize your cat! The Church just won't allow it - not even with permission from the Archbishop!" 

WOMAN OF THE PHONE: "Well, Father Knott, I am so sorry to hear that! If you had agreed to do it, I was going to make a $5,000.00 donation to your "mission fund" down in the Caribbean!"

FATHER KNOTT: "Tiffany! Honey! Let's back up here! Why didn't you tell me at the start that it was a Catholic cat! 

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