Elizabeth, Indiana
February 20, 2022
9:30 am
Last Sunday I had a wonderful welcome at this little country Presbyterian Church over in Indiana. I was asked to deliver the sermon. I was really looking forward to it because, as some of you know, I have a Doctor of Divinity degree from McCormick Presbyterian Seminary in Chicago in the area of "Parish Revitalization." That is one of the main reasons I was asked to be pastor of the Cathedral of the Assumption in 1983 - to try my hand at revitalizing that dying parish.
My friend, a retired Presbyterian pastor in Somerset, Rev. Jack Wilhelm and I have remained friends for the last 52 years - ever since I was sent to St. Mildred Church and its Missions in Somerset as a newly ordained priest. He was the one who talked me into applying to that McCormick Seminary D. Min. program. I have preached at his church, First Presbyterian Church of Somerset, at least three times, maybe more. I continue to realize that I owe the Presbyterian Church quite a bit.
I was reminded of the summer of 1968 when I preached for the United Church of Christ in Crater Lake National Park (Oregon). I was a "student minister" in their Christian Ministry in the National Parks program. I was one of the first Catholic seminarians to sign up for that program. I preached two outdoor inter-denominational campground services every weekend that summer.
Wish more priests would follow in you steps, Father. We'd have more respect, understanding and acceptance toward each other.