I announced a couple of years ago that I had finished my work in the Caribbean Missions of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG). Because of COVID and their volcano eruption, I decided to end my trips down there so as to focus on building the Saint Theresa Family Life Center up here in my home parish which, for the most part, is now 99% successfully completed.
One of the most effective projects we were able to sponsor in my years in the Caribbean Missions was sending several youth to World Youth Day in Poland. It was truly "life changing" for those who went. Many of them had never been off their island, flown on an airplane, seen a Pope from a distance or imagined meeting so many young Catholics.
I know from my own early years as a priest just how "life changing" such events can be for young adults when I made four trips to Taize, France, where I got to meet thousands of young adults from all over the world during a similar religious experience. (That's me below standing among international students in Taize, France, fifty some years ago.)

JULY 26-31, 2023 in LISBON, PORTUGAL
I was asked a month or two ago if I could help sponsor a few young adults from my beloved island nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines who wanted to go to this year's World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal. Even though I thought I had moved on from "island ministry," I weakened. Myself and three friends have so far worked toward sponsoring four young people from SVG.
FATHER ALANDO - Cathedral Rector SVG - partially-sponsored
KIMBERLEY - Works in the SVG Catholic Pastoral Centre Finance Office - fully sponsored
TADU - Youngest Son of the SVG Catholic Pastoral Center's Cook - fully sponsored
JELANI - SVG Diocesan Cathedral Musician - fully sponsored
Because of the poverty in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, there are other youth who would like to go, but can only dream of being able to go to such a "life changing and personally uplifting" religious event.

If you would like to join the four of us in helping with this amazing missionary effort and maybe sending one or two more island youth to World Youth Day 2023 (July 26-31), let me know. The cost is a minimum of $2,100.00 each, but any part of that would help. That includes fees, food, lodging and airfare from St. Vincent to the neighboring country of Saint Lucia, then on to London (England) and then on to Lisbon (Portugal) and then back home after their 6 day religious experience. It's a deal! They are certainly getting "a lot of bang for our bucks." It will be a life-changing, eye opening religious experience for some deserving youth who usually never have a chance for such opportunities. I am excited for them. I am helping to financially support this effort personally because I was one of them back in the 1970s when some generous people helped me go to youth gatherings in Taize, France!
St. Bartholomew Church SVG Mission Fund
(The Diocese of Kingstown SVG has a bank account at St. Bartholomew Church in Miramar, FL for US tax purposes.)
I can make deposits in their account at any local TRUIST BANK. I have some of their deposit slips.
Rev. Ronald Knott
1271 Parkway Gardens Court #106
Louisville, KY 40217
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