Tuesday, September 10, 2024




A friend of mine talked me into going to the local Zoo to see the new female gorilla ("Sweetie"). We were standing near the cage and my friend kept creeping closer and closer until he was practically right up against the bars of the cage. When he tried to hand "Sweetie" a piece of candy, "Sweetie" grabbed his hand and kept banging his head against the bars to the point that I thought she would kill him! I grabbed his leg and pulled him away from the bars of the cage to loosen "Sweetie's" grip on my friend's hand! 

Hearing the commotion (both my friend and "Sweetie" were screaming), the Zoo management immediately called for an ambulance and they took my friend to Audubon Hospital because it was closest to the Zoo. 

When I got home, I called to check on him after I had showered and changed clothes. "Are you hurt?" I asked. He responded angrily. "Hurt? Hurt? Yes, you bet I'm hurt! I've been in here for four hours already and "Sweetie" hasn't even called or sent flowers!"  



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