PASSING ON THE KNOTT GENES ... without me, of course!
From England to Maryland to Kentucky
- JOHN KNOTT (dates unknown) born in Yorkshire, England.
- FRANCIS KNOTT (1649-1705) (Eleanor Cole) born in Middlesex, England, died in Maryland
- IGNATIUS KNOTT (1686-1765) (Elizabeth ?) born in Maryland
- RICHARD BASIL BAPTIST KNOTT (1745-1817) (Mary Drury) born in Maryland
- CLEMENT KNOTT ((1784-1870) (Ann Nancy Hardesty) born in Maryland, moved to Washington County, Kentucky, moved to Breckenridge County, Kentucky. He was the first in the area from which my immediate family comes. He later moved to Perry County, Missouri, where he is buried. His son Raphael stayed behind.
- RAPHAEL KNOTT (1832-1914) (Abigail Basham) born in Marion County, Kentucky, died in Breckinridge County.
FRANCIS MARION KNOTT (1865-1950) (Ida Hardesty) born in Breckinridge County, died in Louisville,
buried in Meade County, Kentucky. He and Ida divorced, rare in those days, but she is buried in a separate grave several feet away as if they never knew each other.
- LEO FRANCIS KNOTT (1892-1973) (Lillie Mills) born in Meade County. Lillie delivered me!
- JAMES WILLIAM KNOTT (1918-1991) (Mary Ethel Mattingly) born in Meade County
- WILLIAM GARY KNOTT (1945- MY BROTHER born in Meade County
- WESLEY KNOTT - MY NEPHEW born in Meade County
- WESLEY KNOTT, JR - MY GREAT NEPHEW born in Meade County
- CORY KNOTT - MY GREAT NEPHEW born in Meade County
My great nephews, Wesley Jr and Cory, Knott came over for dinner recently. As I sat there looking at them. it amazed how much they look like my brother Gary and my grandfather and great grandfather and so unlike me, my brother Mark and my Dad.
I look more like my father, my youngest brother, Mark, and one of my uncles, Lamar.
My uncle Bob (Robert) Knott and my nephew Mike (Michael) Knott, all have the same look and temperament - dark hair, laid back and relaxed. My Dad, myself and my brother Mark all have the same look and temperament - light hair, anxious and often frantic.
My great nephews, Wesley Jr. (right) and Cory Knott (left).
Wesley has the high energy of myself and my brother Mark.
Cory has the relaxed and calm demeanor of his father and great grandfather.
My nephew, Wesley Knott, has the calm and relaxed demeanor of his father,
great grandfather and great great grandfather (below).
My younger brother, (William) Gary Knott
My grandfather, Leo (Francis) Knott, kept his black hair until he died in his nineties.

My great grandfather, Francis (Marion) Knott
The name "Francis" runs through the family tree, not only in Kentucky, but also in Maryland. Another interesting fact that runs through family history is that so many of the family members were, and still are, involved in the construction and lumber businesses. My great grandfather's hobby was wood working. My grandfather owned a saw mill. My father had a sawmill in my very early years, but in later years started a successful building material business. My youngest brother Mark took over, and has greatly expanded, my father's building material business. Several Knotts in Maryland and Oregon, even today, are in the construction business. Last year, I ran into some Knotts in Newfoundland, Canada, who were operating a construction company.
One of the things that I always noticed as a child, working in my father's building material business, was the fact that people rejected lumber that had a "knot" in it! "I'm not taking that! It has a knot in it!" I took it personally!
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