An Encouraging Word
my column from The Record for 12-1-16

to those on whom his favors rests.
I am flunking
“retirement.” I have been working like a dog. Besides helping-out here and
there in parishes, visiting two local nursing homes weekly, writing this column
and maintaining a blog, I have conducted seven priest retreats in three
countries and two parish missions in two states – all since August. Even a
full-blown obsessive -compulsive like myself could use a little sympathy,
I am a sprinter, not a
long-distance runner. Taking a regular day off each week would simply not work
for me. Instead of a nice easy pace, I work in bursts of energy that last a
couple of months and then I need to stop and rest.
One of those rest periods
started at Thanksgiving and will last till February. I was so looking forward
to staying home, sleeping late, meeting people at the coffee shop, cooking for
friends and writing, always writing! Writing is something I cannot do when I am
running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Writing takes long hours
of rest and quiet.
I am so looking forward
to Christmas this year. Christmas has become the least stressful time of the
year for me. I don’t put up a tree, usually, because few will see it but me. My
siblings and I do not exchange presents. Rather, we meet for a “home Mass” and
dinner one Saturday night before Christmas. Since I am retired, even from
Bellarmine, I am going to go down to my home parish of St. Theresa in Rhodelia
for Christmas Mass. I haven’t been able to do that for over fifty years!
A relaxing Christmas does
not come easily in our culture. We must fight for it, even wrestling it into
submission over several years. There are
so many traditions, expectations and communal pressures working to make it one
of the most expensive, wasteful and stressful times of the year. It’s a lot
harder to dramatically simplify things with families, but it can be done. It
might surprise you that simplifying could make Christmas even more enjoyable
than ever.
If I had a choice, I
would be down in the islands handing out presents on Christmas morning to those
abandoned and abused children that Father Clark and I met this past fall. Since
I have no kids and my siblings and I do not “do presents,” I sent some money
down to the Sisters who take care of them to shop for the thirty kids they keep
and for eighty more kids coming to the diocesan Christmas party. It will not buy much, but for kids something is
always better than nothing on Christmas morning.
If you are tired of
giving stuff to people who already have too much of it, make a check out to St. Bartholomew Church-SVG Mission Fund
and send it to me at 1271 Parkway Gardens Court, #106, Louisville, KY 40217. I know how to make it count.
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