May 16, 1970

Waiting for the first step to priesthood - tonsure (a ceremonial haircut) - in First Theology 1966
That's me on the far right. Monks had most of their hair shaved off except for a small band above the ears called a "carona" of "crown." Diocesan priests just had snippets of hair cut out in the shape of a cross. For diocesan priest, this practice was dropped after Vatican Council II.
By the way, another practice was dropped, all of us in my class were ordained Exorcists before the diaconate and priesthood. Yes, I am technically an ordained Exorcist. Don't call me!

Ordination Invitation

A reflective moment before going into the Cathedral for ordination to the priesthood.

First Mass

I was the first Catholic priest to live in Wayne County. Kentucky. I was pastor of Saint Peter Church in Monticello and served its mission of Good Shepherd Chapel in Whitley City, Kentucky.

One of my five trips to Taize, France, when I was a volunteer chaplain at Somerset Community College in southern Kentucky.

Doctor of Ministry in Parish Revitalization - McCormick Presbyterian Seminary in Chicago.

This music team used to travel with me to do Parish Missions around the diocese and in southern Indiana. Two members of the group have died since this photo was taken - the two to my right - Stewart and Larry.

Melanie Prejean Sullivan worked together for fourteen years as Bellarmine Chaplians.

Honorary Doctorate from Bellarmine University.

Teaching one of the Deacon Classes about the transition out of the seminary.

This Teaching Kitchen, Dining Room and Living Room at Saint Meinrad Seminary was one of my projects. Together, they are called the Saint John Vianney Center.

My silent partner in mission work in the Caribbean.

Teaching international priests and seminarians how to acclimate to American culture.
Building JACK'S COFFEE SHOP was one of my projects.

Distinguished Alumnus at Saint Meinrad Seminary

Leading the annual monastic retreat at Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Remodeling a special floor for the retired priest program was another of my projects.

I led over 100 priest convocations/retreats/study days in ten countries.

With Cardinal Collins of Toronto for four of his priest retreats.

Leading the priest retreat in Vancouver, Canada.

Saint Lucia Priest Study Days with Archbishop Rivas OP

Speaking to the Antilles Bishop Conference in Trinidad.

I taught a class to seminarians in the island country of Trinidad.

Preaching in the Cathedral in Kingstown, SVG and baptizing one of seven babies (below)

My fellow volunteers from Ireland, Fergal Redmond and Martin Folan.

Archbishop Gordon, now of Trinidad, got me started in the Caribbean missions.

The Pastoral Centre in Kingstown (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) where I have my Catholic Second Wind Guild headquarters.

Caribbean Mission trip Number Nine

Teaching deacon prospects in the islands.

I worked with Jim Patterson II to remodel Monte Cassino at Saint Meinrad Archabbey.

May 16, 1970
Waiting for the first step to priesthood - tonsure (a ceremonial haircut) - in First Theology 1966
That's me on the far right. Monks had most of their hair shaved off except for a small band above the ears called a "carona" of "crown." Diocesan priests just had snippets of hair cut out in the shape of a cross. For diocesan priest, this practice was dropped after Vatican Council II.
By the way, another practice was dropped, all of us in my class were ordained Exorcists before the diaconate and priesthood. Yes, I am technically an ordained Exorcist. Don't call me!
Ordination Invitation
A reflective moment before going into the Cathedral for ordination to the priesthood.
First Mass
I was the first Catholic priest to live in Wayne County. Kentucky. I was pastor of Saint Peter Church in Monticello and served its mission of Good Shepherd Chapel in Whitley City, Kentucky.
One of my five trips to Taize, France, when I was a volunteer chaplain at Somerset Community College in southern Kentucky.
Doctor of Ministry in Parish Revitalization - McCormick Presbyterian Seminary in Chicago.
This music team used to travel with me to do Parish Missions around the diocese and in southern Indiana. Two members of the group have died since this photo was taken - the two to my right - Stewart and Larry.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (Lhamo Dondrub), myself
and Archbishop Kelly in our Cathedral.
Melanie Prejean Sullivan worked together for fourteen years as Bellarmine Chaplians.
Honorary Doctorate from Bellarmine University.
Teaching one of the Deacon Classes about the transition out of the seminary.
This Teaching Kitchen, Dining Room and Living Room at Saint Meinrad Seminary was one of my projects. Together, they are called the Saint John Vianney Center.
My silent partner in mission work in the Caribbean.
Teaching international priests and seminarians how to acclimate to American culture.
Building JACK'S COFFEE SHOP was one of my projects.
Distinguished Alumnus at Saint Meinrad Seminary
Leading the annual monastic retreat at Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Remodeling a special floor for the retired priest program was another of my projects.
I led over 100 priest convocations/retreats/study days in ten countries.
With Cardinal Collins of Toronto for four of his priest retreats.
Leading the priest retreat in Vancouver, Canada.
Saint Lucia Priest Study Days with Archbishop Rivas OP
Speaking to the Antilles Bishop Conference in Trinidad.
I taught a class to seminarians in the island country of Trinidad.
Preaching in the Cathedral in Kingstown, SVG and baptizing one of seven babies (below)
My fellow volunteers from Ireland, Fergal Redmond and Martin Folan.
Archbishop Gordon, now of Trinidad, got me started in the Caribbean missions.
The Pastoral Centre in Kingstown (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) where I have my Catholic Second Wind Guild headquarters.
Caribbean Mission trip Number Nine
Teaching deacon prospects in the islands.
I worked with Jim Patterson II to remodel Monte Cassino at Saint Meinrad Archabbey.
How Can I Keep From Singing?
My life goes on in endless song
Above earth's lamentations,
I hear the real, though far-off hymn
That hails a new creation.
Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear it's music ringing,
It sounds an echo in my soul.
How can I keep from singing?
While though the tempest loudly roars,
I hear the truth, it liveth.
And though the darkness 'round me close,
Songs in the night it giveth.
No storm can shake my inmost calm,
While to that rock I'm clinging.
Since love is lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?
When tyrants tremble sick with fear
And hear their death knell ringing,
When friends rejoice both far and near
How can I keep from singing?
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