Thursday, August 10, 2023


Over the Christmas holidays a few years ago, I got the opportunity to watch the 2007 movie, The Bucket List, starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. It is about two terminally ill men on a road trip with a "wish list" of things to do before they “kicked the bucket.” Being only nine months away from turning 80 myself, it still strikes a chord with me.

In one of my very favorite scenes, they are both sitting on one of the pyramids in Egypt. Morgan Freeman’s character says to Jack Nicholson’s character, “You know the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven…the gods asked them two questions. Their answer determined whether they were admitted to heaven or not! “Have you found joy in your life?” “Has your life brought joy to others?”

At the time I was watching that movie, I thought these two questions would be great questions to explore personally.  “Have I found joy in my life?” “Has my life brought joy to others?” At my age, I would have to answer "yes" to the first question. I have been happy most of my life - especially so in the last 50 years. Unless people have been lying to me all those years, I would have to say "yes" to the second question as well. They have convinced me that I have indeed brought joy to many people's lives. 

Another way to ask those same questions would be these: "Who am I?" and "What is my purpose?" I spent some time recently with these two questions as well. (1) I am a loved child of God. It took me many years to get to that awareness because I used to doubt the "love" part. As a child of God, I have realized that I have responsibilities to develop and expand the investment God has made in me. Therefore, I believe seriously in deliberate and intentional personal and spiritual growth. (2) My purpose, my vocation, is to serve others. I know this and I believe it to the core of my being. My purpose here is to empower, encourage, challenge, console and build others up. My  purpose has been to serve others, honor others, encourage others and enable others! I have come to realize, finally, that it is in giving that I receive. By giving to others what I need, what I need will be given back to me - in spades! 

At my age, I am finding that I need to update my "bucket list." I have done most of the things on my old "bucket list," often more things than I ever thought possible and many of them were not even on my list! Now that my last "dream" has come true, the new St. Theresa Family Life Center and Guest House down in my home parish, I am ready to add a couple of post-scripts to my old "bucket list." I know what I don't want to do, but it isn't clear yet what I do want to do. All I do know is that all I have to do now is to step back, reflect seriously and wait patiently till God helps me figure out what those new things, maybe the last things, that I could do! 

After listening for God's direction, I believe my mind will take in everything I tell it so I need to feed it faith, feed it truth and feed it love.  Only then, I will be able to update my "bucket list" at least one more time! 

How about you? Do you even have a "bucket list?" If you do, does it need updating? It's hard to "go somewhere" if you don't have a map! It's even harder to "get somewhere" without being "fueled up" before you start! In life, get behind the wheel, decide to be your own "tour guide," your own "life coach" and your own "spiritual director" if necessary!  Just do it! 

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